NBN Fleurieu Peninsula
May 2024
Please report any outage to your Provider as it is something that they need to connect over at their end and it does take time. Please DO NOT TOUCH optic fibre or move the box on your wall as it is highly sensitive and can break easily. If there are any red lights on your system please read what it says near the red light and call your Provider.
Do you have annoying beeping coming from your battery backup?
This means your backup battery is not charged and will need to be replaced, Coast Communications have chosen not to supply batteries anymore therefore you will need to contact your Provider to organise this. We can offer an alternative solution by permanently removing your faulty backup battery, this will mean that in the case of a power blackout your NBN and telephone will not work during that period (which it won't work anyway without power unless your Modem has a battery backup as well)
Coast Communications can help with any other issues e.g. setup, moving equipment, connecting up new or existing equipment:
Connect up your existing home phones to the NBN
Help setup your equipment e.g. Smart TV, surround sound
Changeover or modify your Safety Alert Pendant
Connect your Security System
Move your NBN box somewhere more suitable in your building
Install Wifi Extender
Have your NBN equipment housed in one flush cabinet
and more ....
Call us on 0407 607 888 or email us here.
Telco Troubles?
Points to remember when phoning your Provider -
* Ask to speak with an "Authorised Person" who can help with your particular issue
* Remain Calm
* Be prepared to walk way from that Provider
* Be prepared to report the issue to the Ombudsman and tell your Provider your intentions
* Keep a diary of what is happening
* Get compensation for the failed service.
Unfortunately the NBN will have its drop out and noisy line issues continually and there are numerous infrastructural factors that may be outside the Providers control that may be a continuous issue due to the age of infrastructure that the new wiring is connected to, overload of a particular service or many other reasons. Please be patient while everyone tries to correct these issues.